Monday, August 27, 2012

Nail Reconstruction....

Hey Ladies....If any of you know me for a while, you will know that I love love love long nails...I always get a french manicure and I love tips!  However, when I take all of the stuff off my nails, its not pretty!!

What do you use?  They look horrible!  I'm talking brittle, broken, and torn to shreds, it actually looks like I was biting them because I was nervous or something!  Well, I have a few tricks that really help out the "reconstruction" of your makes them look healthy while the weak nail grows out and the new nails grow in...

First- DO NOT rip them off.  I am notorious for doing this.  I do this because I get tired of my nails looking chopped up, especially when I need to go for a fill-in but do not have time...they start to lift.  Its terrible.  Instead, buy some pure acetone, you can find this at beauty supply stores all over.  Its like $3.99 for a bottle.  In a GLASS bowl, fill enough of the bowl with the acetone, place it on the table with some paper towel or new paper to protect your table (it is pure acetone!) and put those pretty fingers in the bowl.

Next- make sure you have a good nail file.  I buy the ones at the beauty supply store for like $1.99, they are heavy duty, usually the tan or black colored ones.  Once your fingers have been soaking for at least  5 minutes, check on will look like gel on your nails now.  Carefully start to file off the gel like substance.  Once you file that off, continue to soak.

Once you finish soaking and you have removed all the acrylic off, check the damage of your natural nail.  You might have some grooves on the nail bed from all of the harsh filing with the file or the machine during your fill-in visits.  That is OK, it will grow out.  Just be sure when you are filing away the chemical on your nail, you do not over file.

Next- Clip off any nail that is damaged.  Naturally, you will have short nails for a while, which is OK.  You are allowing your natural nails to breathe.   Shape your nail after you clip them down, and then buff them out with the "Purple Square". You can also find this at the beauty supply store.  Its the same square they use at the nail salons after they are done with the manicure.  This helps smooth things out and allows you to keep a polish on the nail, neatly.

Now after all of this, you might want to consider using a clear polish to help keep them hard and help grow them out a bit longer, to clip off while your healthy nail is growing in.  I personally like "Nailtiques" Formula 2, it's a nail protein and is wonderful for weak, brittle, pealing nails.  I will use this for at least a month as directed and my nails are healthy in no time.

Here is the best part, in a little squeeze bottle, I put regular "GOYA" olive oil (any olive oil will do, GOYA is what I always have!) in the squeeze bottle, its tiny, like the ones in the nail salon.  I put this on religiously, everyday!  It helps keep my cuticles moisturized.  Moisture is probably the most important step while repairing the health of  your nails.  It really works and helps with healthy growth!  I even do this step before I go to bed,  after every hand wash and even while at work.  Try it!  Once your nails are back to normal, get a simple manicure and keep it up until your ready to try something new like the Gel!  I love it!


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Chemical Peel - At Home!

Summer is almost over and our skin will soon start to repair itself from all of the sun damage from all of the wonderful, fun activities we did over the summer, right?

I know this first hand, as I naturally have freckles.  Over the years, I've noticed that my freckles were lasting almost all year around, and they got darker.  As I became more familiar with my skin, I started looking into doing something more.  Most of the time, I would occasionally go to the spa for a facial, which was awesome but my freckles were more permanent.  Normally, they would fade in the winter time and that would be it until the spring/summer time.

Last year I decided to really try something different.  I went in for a Microdermabrasion.  When I got there, the specialist told me I didn't need such a harsh treatment. I asked her what she thought I needed and she said the magic words - Chemical Peel.  So, I bought a series of chemical peels and started them that same day.  I have to say, the results were AMAZING!

In the package was an actual facial, and the peel itself.  I bought a total of 5 (they had a sale of half off, so naturally, I could not pass that up).  It really was a remedy for my drab ass skin I had after the summer season.  After the first one, my skin was radiant, evenly toned and I even saw a huge difference with my freckles!  Everyone commented on how fresh and glowing my skin looked.  I thought to myself, I found my rejuvenation...

I always have peels ready at my disposal.  The packages that I bought do not expire, so when ever they have a sale, I buy them.  However, with my knee surgery, I have not had the chance to get to the spa for a treatment.  Since I have been indoors since the 10th of July (knee surgery has had me indoors most of the summer) my beautiful deep dark tan that I had in June, is, I decided to prep my skin for the cold weather.  I find that being indoors most of the summer gives me a head start on using some of my favorite products and actually try some new ones.

In the mist of me finding some new things to try, I came across a wonderful Avon Product called ANEW CLINICAL Advanced Retexturizing Peel Pads (Glycolic Plus Soothing Extracts)
I thought, Glycolic-this is the ingredient that the spa uses on my face.  At home, after I have cleansed my face, I simply take a pad and pass it on my face.  You will feel a slight tingle, that is a good thing, and you allow it to dry and then moisturize after.  That's it.

At the spa, there are 3 types of peels, I go with the Glycolic peel as my skin can tolerate it and my skin also produces a lot of oil in certain places.  I said I am going to give this a try.  I LOVE this product.  It's a great way to refresh your skin for fall, to reveal your best skin ever, and also for those that cannot make it to the spa for a chemical peel, this is a great alternative.  Great for Mom's on the go and for those whose schedule will not let up a bit if "you" time.

People tend to forget to take care of their skin.  It is the largest organ we have and is the most exposed to all of the elements of life (both good and bad).  Crisp air will be here soon, so get a head start on refreshing your skin, beautiful, healthy, glowing skin says a lot with our words.   I like to make that says a lot about me.  You should too!  You can find this product online, trust me you will not regret.


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sun Chlorella A- Sunshine in a box!

Having knee surgery was in my mind devastating.   I have never really had surgery before.  I've had 2 children, but never surgery that would effect my everyday life.

I believe in vitamins.  I think that if we take good care of our bodies from the inside out, you will see it, others will see it most of all you will feel it!  There is no better feeling in the world than that of feel spectacular.  

Since becoming a mother, I find myself always having to keep my energy levels up, I try to keep healthy with daily exercise and eating healthier (which is not easy).  Trying to get rid of 
the last 20lbs or so is the hardest.  My obsession with beautiful clear skin and healthy hair is also at the top of my list.  I may be a mom, but we do not all wear mom jeans!!

Sun Chlorella A I found by accident a in my mid 20's.  I was working as an assistant to a restaurant owner and assistant to an executive chef.  The hours were long and everything I did was quick and it was a very fast paced environment.  There was a really cute health food store near by (I do not remember the name) so I would constantly stop in and get a smoothie.  I was introduced to Sun Chlorella.  

As I became more familiar with this product I became a believer.  After about a month of using Sun Chlorella I noticed so many different things about my body, my skin, my hair, just overall.  My energy levels were amazing.  My skin look fabulous! I got a lot of compliments on my skin and hair too!  I noticed that my weight was probably at its best I had ever been, I was able to really take my health where I always wanted it to be.  Sun Chlorella has so many benefits...its a natural blood cleanser, it helps the body recover from sickness, injury and detoxes like no other.  It even takes care of your cardiovascular health (excellent source of Omega 3, Omega 6 and protein)

I love this product because it really puts the pause button on aging.  That's right, it helps fight the sag!  Its the ultimate ant-aging fighter.   I even noticed slowing of gray hair...this is something that I noticed because I used it on a regular basis.  Therefore, with my knee surgery, I decided to once again get myself back in ultimate health...with Sun Chlorella.   My husband is a skeptic.  I always tell him, you cannot knock it if you do not try it!  

I am in physical therapy now and awaiting the ok from my doctor to start some water exercises.  I feel good and with everyday that passes, I feel that I can have full mobility and be able to run at some point.  For now, Pilates, Yoga and Swimming will be best.  

If you are looking to really heal your body or get it in it's best health, I would suggest Sun Chlorella.  It can help you get there...The many benefits it has are amazing!  There is a lot of information you can research but, for me, I always need to try thing in order to see the benefits...and boy do I feel lucky I tried this!
